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In 2008, LA Direct Models, Lisa Ann Talent Management and The Lee Network formed a network to handle bookings for feature dancers. Havana Ginger became the agency's first contract performer in 2005, and in 2008 Kimber James became their first transsexual performer. LA Direct Models represents around 130 female and 30 male performers, including Tori Black, Kagney Linn Karter, Alexis Texas and Lexi Belle. In the fall of 2014, the agency opened a new office in Las Vegas, Nevada, and departed the Vivid building. Their offices have since moved to the Cahuenga Pass, Hollywood, in the same building as the offices of the adult film producer Vivid Entertainment. The following year, once demand had grown, Hay and his then-girlfriend, porn actress Hannah Harper, moved the agency's headquarters to a one-bedroom apartment in Los Angeles, California. Initially based in London, the agency booked adult film work in the United States for British females.

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LA Direct Models is a talent agency for pornographic performers that was formed in 2000 by pornographic actor Derek Hay.

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Founder Derek Hay (aka Ben English) in center of the bottom photo. LA Direct Models attending a fashion show by designer Tal Sheyn at the Cabana Club, Hollywood, CA, February 2009.

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